Merit Badge Center, Philippines
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About the Logo

MBCPScouts work on requirements, earn merit badges, and are awarded ranks. This activity is fondly called as Advancement in Scouting. In an effort to best represent this in a logo, I figured that advancement is best represented by an upward motion signified by an arrow or a compass point. Also, since this website is mainly about merit badges, why not bound this arrow within a merit badge border? So, I did just that. Thus the Merit Badge Center logo is a merit badge patch symbolizing advancement.

The logo was designed and first used on May 30, 2001.

Use of our Logo

The Merit Badge Center allows the limited use of its logo for the purpose of featuring the Merit Badge Center on school publications or websites. Prior permission must be acquired if the logo is to be used for any other purpose. If the use of the logo is allowed, it may not be altered in any way and should be used as a stand-alone image without anyting on the background or anything to cover portions of the logo.

Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information.


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
Terms, Conditions, and Information