Show your Counselor and Outfit Advisor the following:
Preparing for camp: clothing and equipment and how to pack them
Camp shelter and sanitation, including tent pitching
Precautions to be taken on a Crew/Outfit camp
Make a camp lay-out and prepare a plan for a weekend camp including a schedule of activities; submit these to your Counselor. With the members of your Crew/Outfit discuss the camp plan in the presence of the Outfit Advisor and the Counselor. Carry out the camp plan.
While in camp, do the following:
Make a comfortable ground bed and sleep on it. Use ground cloth and padding of clothing, grass, leaves or straw
Make a camp table, a tripod for suspending camp supplies, clothes line or other camp conveniences using proper lashing techniques
Dig a suitable garbage pit
Show and explain the proper method of storing and protecting your food and equipment against small animals, insects, and wet weather.
Tell how you would protect yourself against wet weather and cold while in camp.
Camp a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights in the out-of-doors, submitting evidence to your Outfit Advisor and Counselor that these camps were made within standards. (You may use a week-end camp and/or a week of summer camp as part of the 20 days and 20 nights).
Submit reports to your Outfit Advisor and Counselor of your participation in the fifteen days and fifteen nights of camping, which should include the following:
Sketches of the campsites
Schedule and details of activities in the camp
What you did or learned in camp, and
Experience in the camp which developed your character, your health, your self-reliance and your harmonious relationship with other Scouts