Merit Badge Center, Philippines
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Advancement Worksheets
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Islamic Coins
Italian Virtual Patch Collection
World Coin Gallery
Merit Badge Worksheet

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Hobbies and Collections

  1. Start a collection of at least 100 pieces. Choose from any one of the following in which you are interested: coin collection, stamp collection, shell collection, leaves and barks of different trees, postcards, books.

  2. Make a scrapbook or collection on any one of the subjects in the previous requirement. Exhibit them during Patrol or Troop meetings.

  3. Tell why your hobby is important.

  4. Encourage your fellow Scouts and other youth to make their own collection of rare things.

  5. Do the following:
    1. Visit an art gallery or a museum.
    2. Report the proper set-up, the new methods of laying out, and keeping rare collections.
    3. Tell why a museum or an art gallery is important in one's country or community.


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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