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  1. Tell a story with a picture or pictures. This story may be told in the form of a cartoon, cartoon strip, mural, or tapestry design rendered in any medium.

  2. Promote a product or an idea with a picture or pictures. This may take the form of an advertisement layout for a magazine, a display card, a package, a poster, an industrial design, an architectural structure, or an interior decoration.

  3. Record in an art medium something you have done or seen

  4. Decorate something with an original design - derived either from nature or an impressionistic or geometric pattern.

  5. Design something useful - a book, furniture, house, rooms, vehicle, clothing, costume, etc.

  6. Render a subject of your choice in four of these six methods:
    1. Pen and ink
    2. Watercolor
    3. Pencil
    4. Pastel
    5. Oil
    6. Tempera


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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